Catholic Community Delft
The Community at the Sunday Evening Mass at Maria van Jessekerk, 6:00 PM
The Charity Group
The Charity Group is made up of volunteers who support the activities of charitable organisations in and around Delft to help those in need of extra support in their daily activities, such as the elderly, and lonely and disadvantaged people.
Ignatian Meditations
The meditations are open to everyone.
During the meditations we reflect on a short Bible text. The person leading the meditation gives occasional impulses to guide prayer. After the half hour we share thoughts over a cup of tea and biscuits.
Couples Group
The couples group meets every month to discuss the marriage life. It includes couples that are already married or those preparing for marriage.
St Ursula Choir
The Choir is a mix of students and working professionals who sing on the Odd (1st, 3rd and 5th) Sundays of the month and sing modern hymns in a mix of languages, with English being the primary language.
We are eager to welcome new members if the are willing to make a commitment to join practices regularly and to sing during Mass regularly with us. We will provide all training so even if you are a beginner we are eager to have you!
Rosary Confraternity
We pray the Rosary every Monday in the Maria van Jesse chapel at 19:30. Come join us in this school of Christian contemplation!
Faith Group
We meet every Tuesday at 17:30 on the TU Delft campus to discuss faith-related topics focused on how to live the Christian life in our circumstances. We also read and discuss the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Everyone is welcome to join.
Bible Study
A weekly get-together with fellow faithful to discuss the dominical gospel reading of that day, and how to exactly apply it to the daily practice of virtue with prayer as well as back-and-forth on personal experience to foment virtue using practical experience and grace.
Other (fun) activities
The CCD meets ocasionally to have fun activities together, such as watching a movie, playing games, cooking together, etc.
Catholic Community Delft