Catholic Community Delft

The Community at the Sunday Evening Mass at Maria Van Jessekerk, 6:00 PM

The Charity Group

The Charity Group is made up of volunteers who support the activities of charitable organisations in and around Delft to help those in need of extra support in their daily activities, such as the elderly, and lonely and disadvantaged people.


Pilgrimages or trips to Holy Sites are organised. Our last visit was to the Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady in Distress in Heiloo.

If you would like to go on Pilgrimage with us or to help organise one then please get in touch with us via emai.

Couples Group

The couples group meets every month to discuss the marriage life. It includes couples that are already married or those preparing for marriage.

St Ursula Choir

The Choir is a mix of students and working professionals who sing on the Odd (1st, 3rd and 5th) Sundays of the month and sing modern hymns in a mix of languages, with English being the primary language.

We are eager to welcome new members if the are willing to make a commitment to join practices regularly and to sing during Mass regularly with us. We will provide all training so even if you are a beginner we are eager to have you!

Spiritual Activities

We are an active Catholic Community and some of the Activities we organise are:

Ignatian Guided Meditations, Friday evenings

† Praying the Rosary

† Cell Groups: Prayer and Fraternity

Other Activities

Lectors - One role for Commentator,Readers, Prayers of the Faithful and After Mass Notices.

ABC/KmJ - Volunteersthat help parishioners In need through provision of services around the house.


Catholic Community Delft

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